About the Reviewer
Amara's Eden has one reviewer--me, Amara Tanith. I'm a female Millennial from the United States who's loved reading since toddlerhood. After being the weird girl who read all the time in elementary and middle school, I went through a reading slump in high school before the returning to the hobby after discovering Goodreads, where I became a Superlibrarian and founded the Read by Theme book club.
I started reviewing at Goodreads before starting up Amara's Eden on October 24, 2012; it was for some time co-hosted at Blogspot and BookLikes before moving wholly to BookLikes in February 2015. I also review at Leafmarks, but I no longer review at Goodreads because of their 2013 policy change.
I'm a fan of fantasy and horror, and I have a fondness for children's books--from MG to picture books. Most of my books come from libraries and thrift stores, but I am also receive review copies via Netgalley, Edelweiss, and occasionally Shelf Awareness.
I also enjoy writing and completed NaNoWriMo in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014; I've completed Camp NaNoWriMo in June 2012, August 2012, and April 2014.

About the Blog
Amara's Eden is primarily a book review blog, though it also features other kinds of posts--both non-bookish and non-review. If you'd like to quickly browse the content of Amara's Eden, check out the archive. (As the BookLikes archive is still in progress, this link goes to the Blogspot archive.)
If you'd like to contact me with a review request, please see my review policy. Books reviewed at Amara's Eden come from various sources, including second hand purchases from charity stores, books borrowed from my local library system, and eARCs downloaded from Netgalley and Edelweiss. The source through which I received a book in no way influences my rating, review, or opinion of it.
Amara's Eden is an IndieBound and Amazon affiliate. Some posts, such as book reviews, include IndieBound and Amazon affiliate links at which readers can purchase the book in question, if they so choose. If a book is purchased using an IndieBound or Amazon affiliate link here at Amara's Eden, I will receive a commission. This in no way influences my ratings, reviews, opinions, and affiliate links are available both for books that I enjoy and recommend, as well as books that I did not enjoy.